
Jeanne received her Master’s Degree in Holistic Nutrition in 2006 from Clayton College of Natural Health – where her thesis work was on Dental Health and Nutrient Dense Foods.  She is a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation.  She is also a Professional Member of The National Association of Nutrition Professionals.  She worked on the “Campaign for Safe Milk” with The Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility – to petition dairies in Oregon to move to rBST free products.  She has taken both beginning and intermediate courses in Matrix Reflex Testing with Dr. Louisa Williams.  She has also completed courses in Plant Stem Cell Nutrition.

Community Presentations include:

New Seasons Market:

Your Teeth as a Reflection of Your Health” This presentation included historical information on focal infection, underlying jawbone infections, latex-free dental environments, tooth conservation, root canals (pro and cons) and dental material compatibility testing.  Also included, was extensive information on traditional diets and nutrient-dense foods for optimum dental and whole body health.

Portland Development Commission:

How to Stay Healthy in a Toxic World”   This presentation included information on toxins in our food, air, teeth and water, and how to begin locating and using cleaner cosmetics, personal care products and household cleaners.  This presentation also included information on toxic metals and petrochemicals and how to lessen those exposures, as well as nutrient-dense foods that would help the body to eliminate toxins.

Whole Foods Market:

Obstacles to Optimum Health”  This presentation included information on toxins in our food, air, teeth, and water, as well as, information on toxic metals and petrochemicals in our environment and how to lessen those exposures, as well as nutrient-dense foods that would help the body to eliminate toxins.

Weston A Price Foundation – Portland Chapter

Your Teeth as a Reflection of Your Health” This presentation included historical information on Nutrient Dense Diets and Dental Health.  It also described research studies on dental health performed by Dr. Ralph Steinman, Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Melvin Page. Also covered was the importance of testing for food allergens  and compatible dental materials.   Extensive and detailed information was presented on traditional diets and nutrient-dense foods for optimum dental and whole body health.

Medicine Wheel Dental – Tucson Arizona:

Your Teeth as  a Reflection of Your Health”  This presentation included historical information on Nutrient Dense Diets and how that related to Dental Health.  Research Studies on Dental Health by Holistic Pioneering Dentist, Weston A. Price.  What was also discussed was the importance of food allergen testing and detailed information on traditional diets and nutrient-dense foods for optimum dental and whole body heath.

Food Conspiracy Coop, Tucson Arizona:

Your Teeth as a Reflection of Your Health”  Do you have a healthy lifestyle, but are still not able to have the level of well being that you would like to have? Discover the intricate connection between tooth and body health and how it may be affecting your energy levels. Jeanne will discuss the pioneering holistic dentists and researchers who first discovered this connection. She will address the need for properly prepared traditional foods to keep your teeth decay free and she will show you how to test foods and personal care products so that you are getting the best nutrition possible for your teeth and overall health. You can have the vibrant health that you were meant to have!

Food Conspiracy Coop, Tucson Arizona:

Nutrition to Heal the Brain”    Researchers know that depriving our brain of certain nutrients can result in depression, anxiety, insomnia and more. Nutritional stress is now one of the top 7 stressors in our culture. Learn how processed foods have compromised our mental well-being and what foods we can choose to eat, to be mentally vital for many years to come.

Tucson Botanical Gardens, Tucson Arizona:

“Nutritional Sodas”    Presents a history of fermentation, as well as its’ functional and nutritional benefits.  Learn how to make prickly pear sodas, mango ginger sodas and lime spearmint sodas for hydration, digestion and fun!

Natural Grocers, Tucson & Phoenix Arizona

“Eat Fat – Lose Fat”     It’s true – life is better with butter and other fats!  Delicious full-fat foods have kept pre-industrialized cultures vibrant, healthy and at their optimum weight for many decades.  Learn about becoming a fat burner and letting your body maintain its perfect weight for years to come.